Second Meeting of;

Statum Mutatio Societas Trust [Status Change Society Trust]

2pm 10th of April 2024

Meeting Location: Northern New Jersey

Meeting Convened On Hamburgler Market Analysis and Holdings

Present Members Of Each of the Following Teams;

Development Team, Digital Asset Consulting Team


Members convened to discuss the details of current supply and holdings. The recent retrace by bot accounts was at the top of the agenda.


Data of initial holders (likely bots) was computed along side with original member holders and their current total stakes.

The data computated as follows:

Member & Public holdings representing 60% of total supply

28% of original supply still remains available on market

12% Had been found to be owned by bots from inital market launch.

Error Tolerance +/- 2.5%

It was noted that despite the last bear run of bots, investors are still up 1100%, and now is a good time to buy the dip.  Before bot run, we were up 1650%+, thusly a retrace by bots should of been expected.


Discussion on the subject of investor confidence was had, and the conclusion was summarized; the 12% bot liability was within acceptable parameters of loss liability potential in respect to holdings and supply. The solution identified as a need for new investors. This need will be met via several avenues including nightly space hostings on Twitter, A how to buy Crypto video series on YT, and business cards for members who wish to share their passion with others.


Meeting of parties representing the indicated teams adjourned. Hamburgers were sizzling and lunch was ready. A call was placed to Managing Director to approve the publishing minutes, as obligations prevented physical appearance during meeting.


Parties departed.